Adjuncts and Alternatives to Copyright / Régimes complémentaires et concurrentiels au droit d’auteur

Proceedings of the ALAI Congress June 13-17, 2001

ALAI. Estados Unidos. 2002.
Medidas Tecnológicas de ProtecciónPropiedad Intelectual

Adjuncts and Alternatives to Copyright / Régimes complémentaires et concurrentiels au droit d’auteur
Jane C. GINSBURG (Editora) / June M. BESEK (Editora) / Jeffrey P. CUNARD / Nic GARNETT / Roland LOUSKI / [Et al.]
ALAI, 2002.
751 p.
Medidas Tecnológicas de ProtecciónPropiedad Intelectual
Tipo de contenido:
Biblioteca Ramón Casas
RC 15 13

Welcoming remarks:
Victor Nabhan, President, ALAI
Jane C. Ginsburg, Columbia Law School, President, ALAI-USA
Jorgen Blomqvist, Director, Copyright Law Division, (WIPO)
Hon. Marybeth Peters, Register of Copyrights, U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress

Topic I: Technological Protection of Copyrighted Works, and Copyright Management Systems

Part A: Overview of technological protection measures and copyright management systems
Part B: The market for works of authorship and the problem of «digital lock-up»
Part C: Situating legal protections for technological measures in the broader legal landscape
Part D: What is the appropriate scope of copyright in a world of technological protections?

Subpart 1: The new or evolving «access right»
Subpart 2: The scope of the prohibitions on circumvention of access and/or rights controls; exceptions and limitations

Topic II: The Relationship of Copyright and Trademarks

Part A: Copyright, Trademarks and Trade Dress: the overlap (and conflict?) in intellectual property regimes concerning designs and visual images
Part B: Exceptions to protection where copyright and trademark overlap: parody, news reporting and other «speech» use of trademarks


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