Copyright’s Paradox
- Título:
- Copyright’s Paradox
- Autor:
- Editor:
- Nueva York . Oxford University Press,
- Descripción:
- 274 p.
- 9780195137620
- Materias:
- Tipo de contenido:
- Monografía
- Fondo:
- Biblioteca Ramón Casas
- CDU:
- RC 6 15
Copyright is at once an engine of free expression and impediment to free expression. Copyright law underwrites much literature, journalism, music, art, and film. Yet copyright often stands in the way of speech that would build upon existing expression to convey new messages and artistic perspectives.
In a seminal 1970 article, Melville Nimmer, the leading copyright and First Amendment scholar of his day, aptly termed the copyright‐free speech conflict a “largely ignored paradox.” Yet today that conflict has come virulently to the fore, and copyright is increasingly chastised as a tool of private censorship.
Why has that happened? What values and practices does the copyright‐free speech conflict put at stake? How should the conflict be resolved?
These are the principal questions this book seeks to answer. This book explores the copyright‐free speech conflict as it cuts across traditional and digital media alike. In so doing, it juxtaposes the dramatic expansion of copyright holders’ proprietary control against individuals’ newly found ability to digitally cut, paste, edit, remix, and distribute popular sound recordings, movies, TV programs, graphics, and texts the world over. It tests whether, in light of these developments and others, copyright still serves as a vital engine of free expression and assesses how copyright does—and does not—burden speech. Taking First Amendment values as its lodestar, the book argues that copyright should be delimited by how it can best promote robust debate and expressive diversity, and it presents a blueprint for how that can be accomplished.
Cap I. One introduction: a “largely ignored paradox”get accessarrow
Cap II. Expandtwo from mein kampf to googleget accessarrow
Cap III. Expandthree what is freedom of speech? (and how does it bear on copyright)? get accessarrow
Cap IV. Expandfour copyright’s ungainly expansionget accessarrow
Cap V. Expandfive is copyright “the engine of free expression”?get accessarrow
Cap VI. Expandsix copyright’s free speech burdensget accessarrow
Cap VII. Expandseven the propertarian counter‐argumentget accessarrow
Cap VIII. Expandeight copyright and the first amendmentget accessarrow
Cap IX. Expandnine remaking copyright in the first amendment’s imageget accessarrow
- Texto : sin mediación
- Copyright’s Paradox / Neil WEINSTOCK NETANEL -- Nueva York : Oxford University Press, 274 p.;
- ISBN:9780195137620
- Derechos de autor
- Propiedad Intelectual
- RC 6 15